How – as educators – might we generate more capacity within ourselves to sit with difficult-knowledge, to stay with the elephants in the room and, in turn, hold space for others- especially young people that we work with- to do similar?

DEFY, September 2023

Applications are now open for “Shifting Edges: A journey for educators into difficult-knowledge and discomfort” course. Comhlámh is delighted to be offering this 2025 course alongside STAND, finep and Zavod Voluntariat as part of The DEFY Project 2023-25.

DEFY works with educators active in a range of settings including schools, third level institutions, NGOs and youth organisations across Ireland, Slovenia, Germany and beyond. The project offers tools and space for educators to explore their own entanglement in cascading crises of poverty, inequality, genocide, ecological collapse (‘difficultknowledge’) and the discomfort that arises.

DEFY is interested in how this purposeful engagement with difficult-knowledge and discomfort might shift (and possibly deepen) pedagogical approaches and educator capacity to hold space for others (especially the young people with whom we work).

The “Shifting Edges” is a course for educators interested in exploring these themes. Designed as an extended journey into difficult-knowledge and discomfort, the course runs from January – September 2025, combining online evening sessions, in-person practice days and a period of action experimenting.

DEFY welcomes applications for “Shifting Edges” from educators currently living in Ireland, Slovenia or Germany and working with young people around themes relating to social and ecological justice.

If you have any questions, please contact DEFY at

The closing date for applications is Monday, 18 November 2024.

Click the below button to access the course info pack and application form.