We continuously strive to deepen and extend our partnerships, networks, and collaboration to enable mutually beneficial sharing of skills and resources, and strong and effective engagement with civil society networks and social movements at national and international levels.
Nationally, we work with:
Comhlámh Member Groups and Members
Our member groups are at the heart of Comhlámh’s work for global justice. Through advocacy, education and campaigning, they respond to and lead involvement on issues including access to medicines, trade justice, Palestine, women’s leadership, and welcoming people arriving in Ireland. New members of our Member Groups are always welcome, and you can support this work by becoming Comhlámh Member.
Comhlámh Code of Good Practice Network
We partner with a strong and dedicated community of Volunteer Sending Agencies, all of which are committed to values-led international volunteering. Comhlámh works closely with these organisations to support international volunteering, which is values-led, committed to long-term action and recognises the interconnectedness of people and the planet.
Code members also commit to Say No to Orphanages: End Orphanage Care and Volunteering work to raise awareness about the harm caused by orphanage volunteering and the institutional care of children. Individuals can show support by signing our Put Children First: End Orphanage Care pledge and following the travel advice prepared by the Department of Foreign Affairs, which warns that people travelling from Ireland should not visit or volunteer in orphanages.
Volunteer Centres and Volunteer Ireland
Since 2022, in line with Objective 4 of the National Volunteering Strategy, Comhlámh has strengthened relationships with the national volunteer sector. We collaborate with Volunteer Ireland and national Volunteer Centres on information, training, public engagement, policy development work and the inclusion of international placements in the I-VOL database. This partnership supports the national and international volunteering sectors to work closely on mainstreaming and promoting global citizenship.
Strategic Global Citizenship Education (GCE) Partners
Through partnerships and collaborations with IDEA, Dóchas, Oxfam Ireland, Concern Worldwide, University College Dublin Volunteers Overseas (UCDVO), Suas, and Centre for Global Education we support collective work on active citizenship (including research, training, and knowledge sharing).
Palestine Solidarity Movement
Comhlámh stands in solidarity with the Palestine solidarity movement, advocating for an end to illegal systems of oppression, occupation, apartheid, and settler colonialism imposed on the people of Palestine. We are a founding member of the Irish Anti-Apartheid Campaign for Palestine, a group of civil society organisations, trade unions and academic experts committed to working collaboratively to end Israeli apartheid against Palestinians. Through the dedicated work of our Justice for Palestine Member Group and support of initiatives like the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC), Artists Against Genocide, and Teachers for Palestine, we aim to raise awareness, promote dialogue, educate, and initiate actions to address Israel’s domination, genocidal practices, and oppression of Palestinians. Comhlámh is an apartheid-free zone, and we fully endorse the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
Academic Partners
We collaborate on research, training modules, and workshops with various academic partners at Maynooth University, University College Dublin, Galway University, Institute of Art, Design and Technology (IADT), Technological University Dublin, and Dublin City University.
Health/Medical Sector
We work with partners in the Irish Global Health Network and Children’s Health Ireland’s Global Health Department to bring our training and education programme to a wider audience across this sector, and to support the mainstreaming of good practice from the Comhlámh Code of Good Practice.
Migrant Solidarity Movement
We reject the inequalities and injustices arising from Ireland’s international protection system, guided by the lived experience of people and groups within direct provision. MASI (Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland) has been providing us with inspiration for our responses; to date, we have also collaborated with Nasc (The Migrant and Refugee Rights Centre), Doras, Crosscare, Network on Humanitarian Action (NOHA), Oxfam’s Equal Right to Refuge campaign, Spirasi, and the Open Community. We are also members of the Irish Network Against Racism (INAR) and Le Chéile – Diversity Not Division coalition.
Climate Justice Movement
By our membership in the Stop Climate Chaos coalition and working with climate justice experts and activist groups, including Síolta Chroí, CAIM, Climate Camp Ireland, and Friends of the Earth, we strive to mobilise people around and to address this, one of the most pressing issues of our times.
Trade and Financial Justice Partners
Comhlámh collaborates with Financial Justice Ireland and European Trade Justice Coalition, both of which have bases in our offices.
Internationally, we work with:
International Forum for Volunteering in Development (Forum)
Through participation in working groups, the development of research and think-pieces, and training/knowledge sharing, we engage with Forum network’s 140+ Volunteer Involving Organisations (VIOs) globally. This helps strengthen our international reach, share and embed emerging good practice from Ireland with partners across the Global North and South, and bring learning from other organisations to the community of practice in Ireland.
Global Volunteering Standard
As advisors to the Global Volunteering Standard’s Working Group, we support the development of accreditation, mentoring and certification processes for VIOs based around the world, and share the group’s thinking with Irish partners and networks.
European Global Citizen Education and Volunteering Partners
We build and deepen existing strategic partnerships with organisations across the European Union. Our collective work enriches our pedagogical practice, supporting us to co-create resources that deepen solidarity-based responses to the complex global challenges we are facing.
Explore our International Projects section.
Global South Partners
Across our engagement on values-led international volunteering, we are guided by partners from across the Global South, learning from their work on ecological sustainability, global citizenship and decolonising international development. In support of our End Orphanage Care work, we involve and are guided by experts from the Global South with lived experience in residential institutions, to inform all aspects of our campaigning, education, and information work. By inviting international speakers to First Wednesdays Conversations we provide a platform for Global South partners to share their perspectives and expertise on a range of global justice and equality issues.
Orphanage Care Reform Movement
We are members of the Rethink Orphanages international coalition and part of a growing global movement working to keep families together and gradually close down orphanages, replacing them with family support services and alternatives such as foster and kinship care when necessary. This movement includes UN bodies and governments, NGOs, child protection specialists and care experts with lived experience.
Migrant Solidarity/ Humanitarian Responders
At a time of increasingly hostile responses to people seeking refuge in Europe, we stand in solidarity with the many humanitarian responders who are supporting them—in Ireland, across Europe, and in the Global South. Our work raises awareness of border violence and the growing criminalisation of solidarity and offers psychosocial support for the vital work of migrant solidarity responders.
Irish Aid Strategic Partnership
Comhlámh’s Strategic Partnership with Irish Aid refers to the three-year multi-annual grant (2023-2025) to support the delivery of our Programme, ‘Towards Transformative Approaches: Evolving Ireland’s International Volunteering Traditions’.
The Programme aims to promote values-led international volunteering, active global citizenship, and the evolution of Ireland’s volunteering traditions.
The Programme is complementary to:
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