CETA ICS Comhlamh Factcheck This briefing note has been developed by the Comhlámh Trade Justice group. It addresses some of the assertions and misunderstandings there are about the decision facing Ireland on the ratification of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and...
CETA – EU Canada Trade & Investment Deal Sir, We wish to raise our concern regarding the EU-Canada trade deal, CETA, and specifically the upcoming Dáil vote on the investor protection element of this deal. CETA establishes an investment protection tribunal...
Irish Government to push through CETA trade deal Comhlámh is concerned that the government is moving to ratify the EU Canada Trade Deal known as CETA. The Comhlámh Trade Justice Group has highlighted the devastatingly negative impact that Investor State Dispute...
When : Thursday evenings 18:30 – 21:30pm 16th Sep – 24th Oct 2019 Where: Comhlámh offices, 12 Parliament Street, Dublin 2. Book Your Place Places are limited and fill fairly quickly so click Here This course is open to anyone interested in learning about...
The upcoming European and Local elections on Friday, May 24th are an important one. People will be canvassing for your votes, and so we have pulled together some key questions around particular themes that our members have been working on. These cover areas of...
To mark Mayday 2019, this month #FirstWeds will explore some of the themes and issues of trade unionism and working in the local and global community and development sectors. From a global perspective, we can clearly see those trade unionists, and others involved in...